Contact & F.A.Q. is written, designed, created, and maintained by Matt Howe in Asheville, NC.

Barbra Archives is not an official site. Barbra Archives is a fan tribute website.

Matt's Email: 

This site launched on May 28, 2003.


I would like to thank the following people who have contributed to this website over the years ......


Barbra Streisand ... thank you for your wondrous talent and iconoclastic individualism. You are truly inspiring and have provided much pleasure and joy with your acting talents, humor, humanitarianism, and miraculous voice.

Thank you to: Marty Erlichman, Jay Landers, Dick Guttman, Richard Jay-Alexander, Christian Schraga, Bob Scott, Jeffrey James, Grace Handy, Kim Skalecki and Tracy Quinn. 

And especially for their excellent contributions: Paul Ancheta, Rafe Chase, Craig Dickson, Craig Hall, Mark Iskowitz (and his excellent BJSMusic website), Silvio Palmieri, Lynne Pounder (All About Barbra Magazine), Tom Rubeck, George Shubert, dear Allison Waldman, and Don Gunderson.

Bobby Haas, Alex Hutchins, Joel Kubicki, Chuck Wilson, Paul Hyams, Danny Palin, Kevin Hall, Werner Matrisch, Christophe Blondel, Adam Zapora, Louis Papalas, Jeff Bazell, Mark Bliss, Tigh Malone, James Spada, Vivian Mayer, Paul Katz.

Original text on this website is Copyright © 2021 by Matt Howe.

Barbra Archives F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Can you help me contact Barbra Streisand?
  • Sorry, I cannot contact Miss Streisand on your behalf.  I do not communicate with her.

  • I have a rare Streisand photo, magazine, or recording. May I contribute it to your site?
  • Yes! I will always credit you on the page your contribution appears on. Please tell me how you want your name to appear so I can credit you (anonymous is cool, too). I can accept things via email, Dropbox, or even U.S. Mail. And .... thank you!

  • Do you make a profit from this website?
  • No. This website is 100% not-for-profit. All content is presented free of charge for educational purposes.
  • I earn a small revenue from the ads on this website. They do not pay my bills ... in fact, they barely cover the annual cost of maintaining this website.

  • Why do you watermark the photos on this website?
  • I've spent considerable time (and money) obtaining rare photos, scanning them, and Photoshopping them for your free enjoyment. Unfortunately, several bad people have taken advantage of that over the years and made money for themselves by grabbing content from this website — and that's not cool.
  • Some photographers and photographers' estates have allowed me to use their photos here—some have agreed not to sue me (or not to ask me to remove the photos completely) as long as I post their copyright. That's why some of the photos are watermarked.
  • If you want pristine images of Barbra Streisand for your Facebook group, Instagram page, YouTube video or WHATEVER, please consider this: CREATE YOUR OWN CONTENT; DON'T TAKE MINE. Thank you.

  • I'm writing a paper / newspaper article / blog entry and I want to quote your website.
  • Thanks! Most of this website utilizes my own original text, which is copyrighted. Please list me, Matt Howe, as a source if you quote it. And please mention my site, Barbra Archives (
  • Please do not copy, rewrite or redistribute this site's materials. Please do not take audio from this website and repost it on YouTube.
  • You may freely link to any page on this website, but please do not copy-and-paste MY text and make it appear as if YOU wrote it. That's called PLAGIARISM.

You can support my work here!

I earn a little bit from purchases through Amazon — if you click to buy an album or DVD, I earn a few cents. But [annually] it is not a lot.

I spend an inordinate amount of time and money writing, researching, scanning, Photoshopping, and building this website.  Not to mention buying the domains, web hosting, paying for upgrades like the SEARCH bar, and the other fees associated with running Barbra Archives.

So .... I would gladly appreciate whatever you can give.

If you are savvy with Venmo, I am @Matt-Howe — or simply aim your phone camera at the QR code over there.

PayPal is also a way to contribute. You can send any amount here:

Thank you so much!  You're a lovely bunch of ..... people.


Matt Howe

Venmo QR code for Donating to Matt Howe

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